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Hang-Up is an independent contemporary art gallery based in East London

By curating work we believe in, our collectors can find and own reputable artwork by established and mid-career artists. We strive to be your preferred art gallery for investing in art you love.

Banksy specialists since 2008

Hang-Up has a worldwide reputation as being major dealers in Banksy artwork, placing original works and limited edition prints to an international collector base.

Dealers in established artists

Alongside Banksy, the gallery also deals in works by Harland Miller, Basquiat, David Shrigley, and Bridget Riley buying and selling artworks by leveraging our networks developed over the past decade.

Championing primary market contemporary artists

We invest in and support the careers of some incredible mid-career artists, including Tim Fishlock, Dave White, Nancy Fouts, The Connor Brothers and Mark Powell.

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