Hang-Up Gallery

Thank you so much for coming to support the gallery last night at the opening of our latest exhibition Patrick Hughes: The Perspective Paradox. We hope you had a wonderful time and that you enjoyed the new show as much as we have enjoyed curating it.

To coincide with the exhibition we will be releasing an exclusive edition in the coming weeks, details of which will be available soon, stay tuned!

If you couldn't make it last night, Patrick Hughes: The Perspective Paradox is now open to visit until the 16th December 2021.

Have a great weekend,

The Hang-Up Team

The legent himself photographed by Salvatore Scarpa
The legent himself photographed by Salvatore Scarpa

Check the Exhibition Online
The Perspective Paradox
The Perspective Paradox
Patrick Hughes
29 Oct 2021–16 Dec 2021
Hang-Up Gallery
Hang-Up Gallery, 10D Branch Place, Hoxton, London N1 5PH.