Discover and collect Banksy in this exclusive viewing room
Hang-Up Gallery

I hope you are safe and well despite these turbulent times.

The physical gallery in London remains closed due to the current restrictions but behind the scenes our online operation is very much open for business.

During the pandemic the online art market saw a record growth in 2020 particularly for Banksy work which has become increasingly collectable and desirable.

Judging by the levels of interest in these first few weeks of 2021 we are expecting another busy year both with our regular buyers and a wave of new younger collectors from Japan and the US.

In December 2020 Alex Branczik, European Head of Contemporary Art, Sotheby’s said:

"The demand for Banksy pieces and prints in the secondary market has never been higher with more traditional buyers hungry to add a piece to their collection”.

With this in mind, we have compiled a viewing room with a selection of our currently available signed Banksy works.

Should you have any questions or interest in any of the works please do get in touch either with myself, Laura or Fabiola.

I wish you a very Happy New Year and all the best for 2021.

Many thanks,

Ben Cotton
Gallery Director

Hang-Up Gallery
Hang-Up Gallery, 10D Branch Place, Hoxton, London N1 5PH.