We are looking for new consignments ||
Sell with
Hang-Up Gallery


Please just reply to this email with the following:

  • Title of the artwork
  • 2/3 good images of the work
  • An image of the COA (if applicable)

If you have any questions pop me an email and I will be happy to help!

Best wishes,


Get the best possible return by selling with our gallery
  • No hidden fees
  • Transparent process
  • No consignment deadline
  • Quicker monetary returns than auction
  • Physical gallery to offer viewings, deliveries and collections
  • Mutually beneficial commission structure
Our top selling artists in April 2024:
David Hockney
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Bridget Riley
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David Shrigley
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Grayson Perry
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Takashi Murakami
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Sell Your Work
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Further reading
Art Market
Sell Art | Five Reasons Why Galleries Are the Ideal Choice for Selling Art
4 min read
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