FREE SHIPPING to UK for all unframed prints
Shipping Insurance

Shipping Insurance

Clients of Hang-Up Gallery can have added peace of mind for artworks over £10,000 up to £100,000.

Cover artworks up to £100,000

Whilst the large majority of orders arrive in pristine condition, on occasion incidents in transit can occur. The gallery covers insurance for our clients up to the first £10,000. If additional insurance is required for your purchase, it can be added to your order.

The insurance will cover physical damage to artwork whilst in transit anywhere in the world and/or whilst entrusted to third parties and/or in storage and/or at restorers and/or at auction houses.

Cover is provided by XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited, policy number V590613.

Please note that we are only able to offer our shipping insurance service on artworks that are bought or sold and shipped via the gallery.

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Shipping Insurance

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