Beautiful Forever
- 2021
- Acrylic gouache and clear lacquer on wooden panel
- Original
- Signed by the artist
- 71cm x 105cm
- Sold in artists's frame

23 Nov 2021
Brand new collection of four originals from Tim Fishlock
‘Boredom is essentially a thwarted desire for events, not necessarily pleasant ones, but just occurrences such as will enable the victim of ennui to know one day from another. The opposite of boredom, in a word, is not pleasure, but excitement.’
― Bertrand Russell
The Happiest Place On Earth – the official slogan for Disneyland
When There Is No Tomorrow – former advertising slogan for FedEx
This series of paintings takes its title from the marriage of two slogans; one for a theme park that aspires to dispense the ultimate in excitement and the other for a business that strives for the ultimate in immediacy. This super-slogan seems to me to perfectly encapsulate the existential predicament facing humans living in developed nations. We run full tilt from an absence of distraction, rushing to embrace the brands and experiences that promise to amuse and tranquilise our anxieties.
Solutions to life’s problems are parcelled out for convenience and expediency. Self-help books, podcasts and even a scented candle can hold the promise of redemption, satisfaction and above all, peace of mind. In the pursuit of daily self-blessings, existential answers can be added to cart. We are told we can follow our passion, architect a life and design away our angst.
Tim Fishlock, October 2021
Work in progress
Studio assistant Kiki