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How important is the condition of the artwork with Banksy works?

Condition is very important and should certainly be a key factor when purchasing Banksy works. All Banksy works sold with Hang-Up are condition checked and we are fully transparent with our clients.

15 years ago, Banksy prints were sold for less than £100 and not all were handled with the care and attention that one would expect today. For some prints, this can add to the history of the work as it creates a back story; a signature smudge or a screen overrunning adds to the individuality of the print. For others, it can be problematic and affect value. Cheap frames and non-archival materials can wreak havoc with artwork, particularly with staining from window mounts. If there are tears, creases, smudges, handling marks, corner damage, restoration damage etc. we ensure to notify clients of this and advise accordingly.

More Banksy articles

  • The majority of the Banksy work sold via the gallery is done so on the margin scheme. VAT cannot be isolated and broken out on the invoice even when sold and invoiced within the United Kingdom. Further information on the margin scheme can be found here.

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  • In the interest of client confidentiality and to prevent fraud, it is gallery policy to only disclose edition numbers for Banksy prints to the final buyer.

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  • We offer a full insurance valuation service at the gallery for Banksy works.

    We will require details of the print including an image, condition and where it was purchased. A Banksy appraisal expert will then evaluate this before issuing the valuation on gallery headed paper.

    The letter will be signed and dated by the Gallery Director and can be used to assist for insurance purposes or simply for your own records.

    The cost of this service is £100.

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  • This is a question we get asked a lot, and there is no straight answer as it is impossible to predict the future. We can say that his works have risen in price phenomenally over the past decade. We do not encourage to just purchase for investment, though. Choose a piece that you like and enjoy the artwork. Any financial benefits that come with it should be considered a bonus.

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  • Unless the print has never seen the light of the day and has been stored flat since purchase direct from the publisher (which very few have) we steer away from using the word mint. We prefer to say there are 'no condition issues' and the print is in 'excellent condition'.

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  • Banksy prints are extremely sought-after and collectable limited-edition artworks. As such, when new ones become available the market can be competitive often with collectors looking to purchase the same print.

    The market can also move extremely fast with prices and availability changing very quickly. If a piece is left on reserve, it prevents other collectors from purchasing it.

    For both these reasons it is gallery policy that without special discretion from the director, we will not hold Banksy works without a deposit. If you wish therefore to reserve a piece we ask for 20% of the sales price and once we have confirmation of payment the work will be removed from sale and marked as reserved.

    Without a deposit, we will not be responsible if the print is no longer available even if you have asked us to reserve it.

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  • Please contact the gallery directly for editioned canvases or unique works by Banksy.

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  • COA's are issued by Pest Control. They can be applied for directly with the Pest Control Office. If the application is successful you will be contacted and a payment of £50 + VAT will be requested. You will then be issued a certificate of authenticity for your Banksy and it is ready to sell.

    Be aware the process is by no means immediate and can take anything from a few weeks to a few months or sometimes even years when there is a backlog.

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  • We will only sell Banksy prints with a COA (Certificate of Authentication) from the Pest Control Office and we recommend that you only purchase prints with this paperwork in place, whether purchasing from Hang-Up Gallery or elsewhere.

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  • Unframed Banksy works will be flat-packed and sometimes further packed with bespoke, foam-lined crating depending on the location of delivery.

    For framed Banksy works, we will discuss with the client directly the shipping options that are available on a case-by-case basis.

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  • We send all Banksy COAs separately to the artwork itself, we do this for security reasons so please do not be alarmed.

    When your work has arrived safely, the COA will be sent by next-day tracked mail in the UK or for clients outside of the UK, it will usually arrive within one week.

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  • Pest Control is the handling service on behalf of Banksy. Pest Control can determine whether Banksy was responsible for making a particular piece of artwork and will issue a Certificate of Authentication (COA) if this is the case.

    It was set up in 2008 and is a not-for-profit service that has been set up to help prevent innocent people from becoming victims of fraud.

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  • POA is an abbreviation for Price on Application. We try to put prices on all of the prints but often the higher and more sought after items will be marked as POA. This is due to the fact that the market can move quickly with prices rising based on auction results, new exhibitions and announcements relevant to the artist.

    We will also mark some consigned pieces as POA so we can confirm availability before any online order is processed.

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  • We have specialised in dealing with Banksy prints since 2008 and are currently the largest online dealer operating worldwide. We strive to offer the best possible purchasing experience. All works are condition checked and sold with full Pest Control authentication.

    We offer a selling structure that benefits both the gallery and the vendor. Our commission means that the gallery is incentivised to sell your work for the highest amount possible and we do not charge an additional 'success fee' if the value surpasses the high estimate. This means that the seller will directly benefit from the gallery working hard to achieve the best possible price.

    We have the ability to operate more flexibly than an auction house. We do not have a consignment deadline for works. An appointment can be made at our physical gallery in Hoxton, London for any viewings, collections or deliveries, without the limitation of specific viewing days or consignment delivery windows.

    Our fees and process are transparent and we are on hand to guide you through and answer any questions you might have. It’s not just a percentage of the bidding price that goes to the auction house. You might also be liable for marketing, storage, shipping costs, packaging, an appearance in the catalogue – and perhaps even a fee if your work doesn’t sell. Navigating the costs of selling at auction can be tricky and inexperienced sellers can get burned.

    Our gallery staff are passionate, knowledgeable and always on hand to help you with any questions you may have. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at

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  • For signed or unsigned Banksy limited edition prints, once the edition number is set and the works have been printed and sold, no more can be made. The screens that were used to produce the prints have been destroyed, meaning there is no possibility of reprinting. This strict adherence to limits in edition sizes ensures that the works maintain their rarity and, of course, their long-term value.

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