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Shit Matches


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For 'Nancy Fouts – Shit Matches'


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Artwork Enquiry

Nancy Fouts – Shit Matches United States

  • 2014
  • Altered matchbox label, display easel, one spent match
  • 6cm x 10cm x 10cm
Throughout Fouts work there is humour. ‘Shit Matches’ hold one redundant, used match inside. “The easel translates an everyday mundane item into a piece of art”.

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Nancy Fouts – Shit Matches

On display as part of Hang-Up Curates Vol. IX
On display as part of Hang-Up Curates Vol. IX

On display as part of Hang-Up Curates Vol. IX

Simon Kallas

The universally loved Fouts (1945-2019) possessed an imagination crammed with surrealist imagery – from a perfect set of teeth in a clasp-purse mouth to a record player with a kingfisher for a stylus. An education from the Chelsea College of Art and the Royal Academy, followed by a stint as an advertising model maker, ensured that her playful ideas were perfectly rendered, so that it's impossible to know where reality...

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Nancy Fouts

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Shit Matches

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