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Did you know?

At the beginning of her career, Fouts painted store fronts for the Carnaby Street of the Swinging Sixties.

Country of Birth


Auction Record


Bonhams Los Angeles, 'Ecce Homo', 2012

Notable Collections

Tate Gallery, London, UK

Hang-Up Gallery, London, UK

Flowers Gallery, London, UK

Omer Koc's private collection

Banksy's private collection

Notable Exhibitions

Fags, Birds and a Couple of Guns, Hang-Up Gallery, London, UK, 2020

Down The Rabbit Hole, Flowers Gallery, London, UK, 2018

Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick, Somerset House, London, UK, 2016

Nancy Fouts Studio Visit, Royal Academy, London, UK, 2015

There’s a Good Girl, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK, 2014

The Knowledge, 54th Venice Biennale, Venice, IT, 2011

Unthink, Pertwee, Anderson and Gold, London, UK, 2011

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