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Editorial / Banksy

Banksy | The Bristol Legend

7 Jun 2016

Bridge Farm primary school changed their house names to Bristol legends, and the students selected Banksy as one of them. The pupils had written to the artist, to let him know that they had voted to rename one of their four school houses in his honour. The elusive street artist responded by leaving them a mural and (cheeky) note to show his gratitude for their tribute.

"Remember it's always easier to get forgiveness than permission."


Banksy's latest mural at Bridge Farm primary school

Banksy's latest mural at Bridge Farm primary school

NBC News

The painting, of a scribbly school girl bowling a rather realistic burning tyre along the classroom wall, and note appeared overnight at Bridge Farm primary school, in the city where the anonymous artist’s meteoric career began. Pest Control have confirmed the work is genuine.

The letter left by Banksy to the students of Bridge Farm primary

The letter left by Banksy to the students of Bridge Farm primary

We can't wait to see the artist's next move. Until then you can browse available works here or don't hesitate to get in touch to request our catalogues. As always thanks for reading.

Till next time,

Hang-Up Team.

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